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Greenhouse Feeding

Powder Feeding - Short Flowering

Powder Feeding - Short Flowering

Regular price €39,95 EUR
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Short Flowering

NPK: 16-6-26 

Plants with a short flowering time of 8 weeks or less need higher amounts of instantly available potassium, in the early stages, to produce more and heavier fruits and flowers in a shorter period of time.

Maximum Solubility: 1.3lb/gal or 160g/L water
Recommended amount for stock solution: 4oz/gal or 30g/L water


    Seedlings/small plants: 2.5 - 5 gr. / 10 L water Ingrowth ( 3tyg) / flowering: 10 gr. / 10 L of water

    In the soil water with a nutrient solution every second time.

    Use coconut/hydro every time.

    Recommended PH growth phase: 5.5 - 6.0
    Recommended PH flowering phase: 6.0 - 6.5

    How to use: fertilizer should be diluted in water depending on the desired amount.

    1 gr. = 1 L.
    10 gr. = 10 L.
    1 kg. = 1,000 L.


    To dilute the fertilizer, use clean tap water at temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.
    Stir vigorously for 2-3 minutes. The mixed solution can be stored for up to 7 days, at room temperature, in a photo-sealed container.

    Stop fertilizing 10 days before harvesting.


    Total Nitrogen [N] 16%
    11% Nitrate Nitrogen  
    5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen  
    Soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide [P 2 O 5] 6%
    Soluble Potash Oxide [K 2 O] 26%
    Soluble Magnesium Oxide [Mg] 3.3%
    Soluble Boron [B] 0.01%
    Soluble Copper (as chelate from EDTA) [Cu] 0.04%
    Soluble Iron (as chelate from EDTA) [Fe] 0.1%
    Soluble Manganese (as chelate from EDTA) [Mn] 0.05%
    Soluble Molybdenum [Mo] 0.01%
    Soluble Zinc (as chelate from EDTA) [Zn] 0.01%

    Potassium is needed in large amounts and plays a major role in the plants metabolism. It regulates the CO2 uptake, is essential for the production of the energy source for photosynthesis and helps regulate the nutrient and water uptake. Lack of Potassium results in stunted growth, less water circulation, uneven ripening of fruits and makes the plant more subject to environmental stress.

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